On June 20th, CARE Project Grey-Bruce will take part in a 25KM ride as our #ChooseYourOwnAdventure for Ride Don't Hide - Grey Bruce in support of CMHA Grey Bruce with a goal to raise $2021 to help our community members access the mental health supports and programs that this much-needed service offers.
As an organization that was formed to raise awareness, empowerment and be a supportive voice for those impacted by sexual trafficking and exploitation .. we know how important services like these are to victims and survivors.
Mental health problems are prevalent among trafficked individuals and survivors are known to experience post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, dissociation, self-hatred, and more. A trafficked person will often need emotional support or clinical counselling to help them recover from the psychological impact of their experiences.
This past year has been specifically difficult for many as the added anxiety, isolation and stress resulting from covid-19 has resulted in triggers and mental health issues resurfacing that may have been previously manageable. Being connected to other people is a key way in which survivors especially regain a sense of safety in the world.
This is why we have chosen to raise $2021 in support of CMHA Grey-Bruce as a symbol this year to say #NOONERIDESALONE. ♡
Consider helping us reach our goal and support our community by donating @ https://cmha.donordrive.com/participant/CAREProjectGreyBruce