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7th Free-Them Freedom Walk

by Amanda Preston

Yesterday I walked with some amazing people in the 7th Free-Them Freedom Walk to be a VOICE for those being exploited and to raise awareness of human trafficking in our country.

The fact is that there are over 30 million people in global slavery today and while we would like to believe it isn't happening here, the two most prevalent forms of human trafficking in Canada are forced labour and forced prostitution.

The sad reality is that it is happening and smaller communities like mine are not immune to this ever-growing issue either. ⁣

The fact is that statistics show that 87% of victims rescued in Canada are Canadian with the average age of entry into forced prostitution, being only 13 years old. Victims of this horrible injustice come from all over our country, in bigger cities and in small communities like mine. We need to fight for these kids and anyone who needs support to get out of a life of exploitation!⁣ This walk raised over $80 000 to support the Aurora House, a safe house that provides housing to those who have been trafficked and exploited in Canada. ⁣ It is one of the only safe houses in Ontario, that will take and help victims of trafficking who are pregnant, or have recently given birth.

Thank YOU all who helped make a difference through fundraising, pledging and using your VOICE! Together we can do so much! ♡ #Not4SaleEVER

"Never, never, never give up." ♡ - Winston Churchill

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