As we celebrate the achievements and stories of women empowerment around the world, it is equally important to not forget the many women survivors of sexual trafficking and exploitation, who if and when empowered, would have their own opportunity to shine.
Women play a unique role in combating human trafficking, and empowering survivors can help trafficked persons break free, the majority being women and girls.
As an organization founded and led by a woman survivor, we know the impact that the stories of each victim and survivor can have. No matter how old or young, regardless of economic or social status, each story is important and helps to understand how one can support and empower each other and see an end to trafficking within our communities.
So, we choose to challenge our community to listen to victims and survivors when they speak, believe them and lift up their voices, so more women can find the courage to come out of the shadows toward their own journey of healing and empowerment. #internationalwomensday #IWD #IWD2021